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Compassion in action

Ask any past volunteer and they will tell you volunteering at Baan Unrak Thai Animal Sanctuary is an experience you will never forget!


For those of you who would like to help support us but are unable to travel to Thailand, there are several ways you can help out from home!


Volunteer Veterinary Consultants – while we are always looking for vets to come and volunteer inthe clinic itself, we are also in need of support from senior vets during the times when our resident vet is absent or a newly quali􀃙ed resident vet is seeking advice on a specific or unusual case. Becoming a consultant vet and advising us via e-mail on ways to treat animals in thesecircumstances is an invaluable resource to us.


Collecting donated items – you can contact your local vet, pet store, or anywhere else you can think of to gather donations. There are often items that we need which are not available locally. Click here see our updated Wish List.


Fundraising – fundraising is one of the most important ways you can help the sanctuary from wherever you are. Wether you host a fundraising event, participate in sports events to raise moneyor simply raise awareness about the sanctuary to attract new donors, these are all great ways to support our work from a far.


Volunteer Translators – we often need information translating from English into Thai and Burmese,and vice-versa. If you are fluent in any of these languages, we would love to hear from you!


Spreading Awareness – why not help out by simply spreading the word about Thai AnimalSanctuary, whether it be to friends, family or colleagues. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get all the latest news from the sanctuary!


If you are interested in helping out in any of these ways, we would love to hear from you!


Please contact us directly by emailing us

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