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Compassion in action

Our Mission


As well as providing a free veterinary clinic, the Thai Animal Sanctuary’s mission is to improve quality of life in the long-term for our resident dogs & cats, local street animals andhouse-pets alike. Running humane sterilization andvaccination programs as well as educating locals about issues of animal welfare helps us in our goal to raiseawareness and promote compassion for all living beings.


None of this could be achieved without the generous andvital support of our donors and hard-working volunteers,who keep the sanctuary running day-to-day. With yourhelp, we aim to provide a lifeline for Thailand’s animals andencourage long-term change in human-animalrelationships for many years to come.




Our History


Baan Unrak Thai Animal Sanctuary was initiated by BaanUnrak School in 2007 as a project to serve the localcommunity. We are a self-funded and donation-basedorganization working for the welfare and protection ofanimals in Western Thailand and beyond. Our goal is toprovide all animals with the best medical care possible, aswell as a safe place to recover or live.


Baan Unrak Thai Animal Sanctuary is now home to around30 dogs and 6 cats, and we have waved goodbye to over 60residents who have been adopted to their forever homes;some within Thailand and many more all around the world.We are proud to offer a free veterinary clinic for animals inneed and aim to educate the local community about animalwelfare to further improve the quality of life for the beautiful animals of Thailand.

What we do
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